Alright Party Lovers, It’s time to {PARTY} for a great cause!!! That’s right, you throw a party using these {FREE} Party Printables and raise money for Operation Give Thanks, A Star is Born. I can’t think of a better reason to celebrate! Whether you use these printables to host a Shower, a dinner party for friends, or even a playdate, (I have included invites for a shower, or just a party) you can be a part of this amazing fund-raising effort!
If you don’t have time to party, you can still donate on the Operation Shower Website! Here is the description of Operation Give Thanks from the source!
raise $250 for Operation Shower, that enables us to throw a full amazing baby shower with gifts for a military mom to be whose spouse is deployed!
If you decide to host a party, please email us at or and we will help guide you as well and provide more information!
Included :
Invitations – Baby Shower or General Party
Party Circles
Tented Labels and/or Placecards
Straw Flags
Bottle Labels
2 Patterned Bunting Banner Pages
(alternate to create bunting)
Candy Bar Wrapper
2 Tented Table Signs
(For the Favor Table and Sweets Table)
Here are a few of the files you will see :
We ask that if you download this set, that you contribute to Operation Give Thanks in one of two ways
1) THROW A PARTY!!! – use these for a party to host a fundraiser and contact or for more info and resources OR
2) Donate to the cause!!! – Make a donation for Operation Give Thanks, to help ensure that a mommy-to-be has the shower she deserves while waiting for her spouse to return from deployment. ANY AMOUNT counts!
Any attention we can raise for this cause is a benefit, so if you have any ideas or can share how you are using your printables, I would love to hear about it!
Now, go check out the other amazing FREE sets created to benefit Operation Shower from some incredibly talented designing women: The TomKat Studio, Paper & Cake, Parties by Hardie and Hostess With The Mostess! Once you are finished….GO JOIN the online network being set up by Operation Shower to exchange ideas, photos, and fun!
Wow thank you so much for sharing this wonderful printable.
Kori, What an awesome organization you have been involved in and are promoting. Gorgeous printables as well!
These are adorable! I love the color combinations!
Thanks so much for the printables. I can’t wait to see what I come up with. What a worthy cause.
Adorable Kori!! LOVE it!
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