Living Light (Digital Wallpapers)

I came into this near year with some ideas and focus, and that very quickly shifted when only a few days in, I found out that my closest lifelong friend had passed away. To be honest, I am still processing it and bounce between denial, and desperately wanting to find a way she can keep living. One thing I thought right away and have thought a million times since is that I want to carry her light and let it shine through me. To me personally, she always brought a calming presence, a quiet calm, an encouraging voice, and an enormous amount of love. I created a few little wallpapers for myself to remember to shine a light into the world… not from me, but through me. I want to shine the light of the Lord and all of those who He has called home. If you are interested, click and save to your camera roll and you can use it as your wallpaper too! <3

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