Kiwi Crate Fun!



A couple of months ago amidst the choas of the holidays, a friend of mine posted about loving the Kiwi Crates she was doing for her kids monthly. She said it was a monthly box of projects, each with a theme and it had been fantastic for her daughter. I immediately thought…OK…when I sit down tonight, I am looking that up because this is right up my little one’s alley! Then life happened, I forgot, holidays happened and life got crazy. Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago when I got an email from Jen over at Kiwi Crate introducing me to their boxes. I immediately realized this was the same project kit boxes that my friend had posted about and I went over to check them out on their website. I got excited to give them a try, and Jen sent me a regular monthly box (we got the music one seen here) and a special valentine box (seen here).   I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I figured knowing my daughter, she would blow through them the minute they arrived.

When they showed up we were headed out of town, so we had to wait until we came home to really dive in. I explained to my daughter that they had different craft projects in them and we would have to open them to figure out what exactly they were…so that day after school, we told her she could pick on of the projects to complete and we opened the first box to see what fun things it held. We opened the music box and there were two projects inside (along with the how-to instructions for making an instrument out of the box itself and how to make instruments with items from around the house! ) When she saw that one project included bells and beads, she knew which one she wanted to make first! I loved how there were little books explaining everything and even showing how to make things that weren’t in the kit!



Like I said before, I thought my project loving girl would blow right through these anxious to open the next, so imagine my surprise when it kept her happily creating for an hour as she decorated beads and strung them together! Each one of the projects has had the little ones working hard on their projects and we still have one left to go!! I am an artsy gal and I have “craft supplies” all over my house (just ask my husband), but I couldn’t have planned, prepared, and put together these projects without trips back to the store and a chunk of money! It is so wonderful to give them something to craft and create while I am cooking dinner rather than turning on the TV!! The valentine kit had enough to keep both of my kids happy for well over an hour as they worked hard to make cards and decorate them for friends and family! There were enough supplies to make all the cards they wanted and we have enough to make more another day, too!



I am definitely a fan of Kiwi Crates and knowing my party love…they also have favor crates!! You can use them as activities during the party or as favors! The rockets would have been fantastic for my little guys rainbows and rocketship party from last year! Another big announcement is that they now offer single crates (seriously a birthday gift both mom and  child will love!) The new single crate collection is in the shop, where customers can now purchase individual crates to try or give as a gift. Right now they have some of their customer favorite crates for $19.95 each. Single crates can be purchased here:

A huge thank you to Jen for letting my kids and I play with your crates! I will certainly be using them for parties and gifts, and we are all looking forward using Kiwi Crates for many fun projects in the future!


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