July Digital Wallpaper (and Birthday Sale)

GUESS WHAT??? Tomorrow is my birthday! Y’all, I am so excited because I love birthdays, and I am starting the last year of my 30s as I turn 39 tomorrow.

I was one of those girls who was thrilled about turning 30. The 30s brought new homes, friends weddings, babies, and a lot of those big celebration moments. I knew this when I turned 30, so I couldn’t wait. Now as I see 40 one year away, I wonder what the 40s will bring (other than having to watch my babies grow up and see spider veins take over my right calf.) Here is what I know… with all of the celebrating that the 30s brought, they also brought some stark realities as we watched loved ones battle cancer, friends lose parents and children, and others close to us dealing with divorce. Thinking back over these experiences I decided that even though I am not looking forward to more spider veins, I am looking forward to starting next decade with a much bigger appreciation for life, for love, for friendship, and for family. The gratitude and humbling that has come during my 30s is something I wouldn’t trade for anything. I now have the ability to not sweat the small stuff anymore, because I see just how small it really is. These are just a few things I have seen coming and I welcome them with open arms.

So, let’s celebrate 39, okay?? I am giving 39% off of EVERYTHING IN THE SHOP + FREE SHIPPING!! Y’all, I haven’t ever had a sale like this and I promise you won’t see it again… until maybe my 40th birthday!Β 

This even includes gift cards, so you can buy them now and give them later!

To cash in, enter HAPPY39 in the coupon code when you check out!!Β 

Now, more celebrating…. FREE DIGITAL WALLPAPERS! I used three of my favorite watercolor designs to create this months downloads! ENJOY!






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