Life in the Summer

Do you ever plan something “just because” and end up with much more than you expected? That wraps up the last few weeks for me! This past spring I called my dad and asked what they thought of us coming to visit for a few weeks over the summer. I wanted to break up the summer months for the kids (and myself to be honest) and spend some quality time with family. I knew that between my parents and myself the kids would have a practically TV free few weeks and some fun being spoiled by grandparents!

Some time after that, my dad suggested us driving from their home in Panama City to Baton Rouge (where I grew up) to visit my brother, sister in law, and my awesome niece and nephew (who happen to be the same ages as my littles). I loved the idea of driving there to see them and catch up with an old friend or two…. The last part of the trip may have been the best part of all though… before we left, I started thinking we should drive another 3 hours from Baton Rouge to Mississippi to see my grandmother for a couple of days. My dad then sent an email suggesting the same thing, so we decided we would make it a grand tour of the south!

After 30 hours in the car with my two and four year old, time with family and friends, and sharing my favorite places growing up with my kids, I am back and so grateful for the experiences we had.

Here are some of the iPhone photos I took along the way….now it’s time to get back to work!!



{ Bird Watching }

{ Fancy Chicks }

{ Bubbles }

{ Ridin’ with Grandad }

{ swimming }

{ I say Moonshine…My granny says Fuel Can… }

{ my animal lover }

{ magic }

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