Thank You 2010

{Art Print Free Download 8.5″x11″}

What 2010 means to me :

2010 was the year it all started coming together. In 2010, I learned what was most important in life, and that no matter how hard I try, I can’t control everything. I learned never wait to until tomorrow to say what you need to today. 2010 was the first year we were a family of four and we made a move to a new town, new home, and new future. In 2010 I learned that I truly LOVE designing and it will always be a huge part in my life and who I am. I learned who and what I love and what that really means. I learned that family and friends are so important, and the support that has surrounded me this year is completely astonishing and something I am forever grateful for! In 2010, Paper and Pigtails began and has continued to grow into a true blessing! The joy this company {a company based on living a dream} has brought is far greater than I knew was possible!

One of the biggest lessons I learned in 2010 is a quote from Bill Cosby – “I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone.”  (this is a lesson we all know…that really sunk in this year) Of course we all want to make people happy, but at the end of the day I finally know that’s not always possible, and it’s not my job. What I can do is this – do what I love, enjoy the people I love, and try to be the best ME I can be. SIMPLE. AND. TRUE.

So, what are your plans for 2011? {I have a lot of plans…which ones are completed is yet to be seen} I know that it will be an amazing year full of life and love, and I know that no matter what cards are dealt, I am excited to play my hand!

Happy New Years!

If you like the art print above, you are welcome to download it as an 8.5″x11″ Free Print Here

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