Gratitude Journal – Free Printable


I created this Thankful Watercolor last year for notecards (Find them Here), and I love it so much, I wanted to use it to create something really special this year! After some thinking, I decided to create a Thanksgiving Gratitude Journal – Free Printable design! Hopefully this will be a fun Thanksgiving activity and also serve as a keepsake over the years.

Gratitude Journal Closed1

The idea behind this Thanksgiving gratitude journal is that you have it available at Thanksgiving dinner, and along with going around and saying what you are thankful for, you also write it into this journal and sign your entry. This way, it’s a keepsake and you can look back over the years to see who was with you over the years and what everyone was most grateful for that year. I would love to say that I remember from year to year, but unfortunately I don’t. I would have loved to have started this years ago to look back on what sweet things my kids have said over time and to remember those who were with us some years and not others. You can create a new one for every year, or add extra pages and use it year after year!

Gratitude Journal Closed 2A

Gratitude Journal Open1


To create your Thanksgiving Gratitude Journal, simply print the two pages (one with the cover and 3 lined pages, and one with just lined pages) on #110 white card stock. Cut the pages apart, and use a hole punch to make two holes in one side. Tie the side with ribbon and date the inside cover so you will always know which year it was.


18 thoughts on “Gratitude Journal – Free Printable”

  1. Pingback: Blog Hop – Thanksgiving | Kori Clark

  2. Pingback: Thanksgiving Printable Blog Hop

  3. Pingback: Thanksgiving Printables Blog Hop | Skip To My Lou

  4. Thank you! My family is going through a really rough time right now. I’m going to print a little booklet up for my siblings and me. Thank you for your generosity!

  5. Pingback: {Roundup} Thanksgiving Printables

  6. Pingback: Express Your Gratitude This Thanksgiving | Atkinson Drive

  7. Pingback: Freebie Friday: Free Thanksgiving Downloads – The Pretty Files

  8. Pingback: 7 Simple Crafts to show Gratitude - Awesome with Sprinkles

  9. Pingback: The Best Thanksgiving and Fall Crafts For Adults

    1. I will email it to you! The link at the bottom of the post should prompt an auto download but sometimes computers do strange things. =)

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