Today is my kid’s last day of school! It seems like it went so fast this year, but we are excited to change up the schedule for a more relaxed summer one! I decided to do a quick post with some summer printables from years past to get you all going and ready! First we have this cute printable watercolor “bucket list” that you can print and mark as you go through!
Second, with Memorial Day this weekend and summer parties coming fast, check out this printable “summertime grilling” set perfect for those BBQs!
Third, a fill in the blank summer – summer – summer time bucket list! Add anything your family is hoping to do and post it somewhere where you will be sure not to miss it!
Finally, check out these fun summer crafts I created for Cricut last year! This Red White and Blue Set is perfect for summer! Now I am off to celebrate the last day with my two! Happy Thursday! xoxo Kori